Sunday, September 29, 2024

A Season of Rest

Welcome to this beautiful fall season that leads into the year-end and holidays. It seems like every year just gets busier. I’ve been thinking a lot about how to keep myself, my family, and my work team,
healthy and happy so that we can fully enjoy time with loved ones while also getting everything done that we hope to accomplish. The surprising key to being successfully and sustainably busy is REST!

I’ve developed a four-piece REST approach after years of running myself into the ground and ending up sick in December. The four pieces are daily rest, monthly rest, yearly vacation, and support!

The smallest but most important piece of rest is daily rest. I set up multiple daily breaks throughout the day and put them on my calendar because, if they’re not scheduled, they won’t happen. These five- to fifteen-minute breaks can look different each day. Sometimes I take a walk outside and put my feet on the earth, text a friend, or play with my cat—something that allows me to mentally reset. I also schedule my lunch break to ensure I have that time for myself.

The second piece of rest is figuring out how to give myself a three- or four-day weekend every month. Some months are easier if there’s already a holiday, but if not, I make sure to take off a Friday or Monday to get that extra time. I use it to relax or to get errands done so that my Saturday and Sunday are completely free.

The third piece of rest is at least a weeklong vacation. Dreaming of and anticipating a lovely vacation is part of the fun! I’m a beach person—mountains are beautiful, but they don’t recharge me. I need to lie on the sand and stare at the water. I’m planning a trip for next year, making sure to put it on the calendar and clear time for a true break—no emails or stress, just warm breezes and blue water.

The fourth piece of rest is finding support. Sometimes rest comes in the form of asking for help with preparing meals or creating a more equitable schedule for sharing chores. I also think about who I can turn to for words of encouragement when I need them. Support can also look like deleting things from your calendar that don’t make sense. This year, I may skip taking on three new projects right before the holidays or baking six batches of cookies. Knowing I have that choice feels like a relief.

In summary, the four pieces of rest are daily, monthly, yearly, and support. Each one plays a role in keeping me mentally fit and ready to enjoy everything the season offers.

Do you have rest on your calendar? Would you be willing to schedule time for yourself to

be a better version of yourself during this busy season? I’d love to hear any ideas you have about rest!